Monday, August 23, 2010

Back 2 School

We just took a poll at Turbo140 HQ if "Trapper Keepers" still exist... A bit of a debate ensued (along with a fair amount of nostalgia), but if they are still in production, demand for those puppies is skyrocketing, along with crayons, backpacks, and iPads. That's right, folks -- it's back to school season! Swimming pools filled with raucous and screaming children have been replaced with school yards and play grounds filled with raucous and screaming children.

We started on this topic after reading an interesting article from The Huffington Post about the 13 LEAST common jobs in America -- many of which would fit nicely on Turbo140's job marketplace, except for prosthodontists. We're constantly getting asked about very unique and infrequent job requests on Turbo140, but that doesn't mean that the MOST common are really the ways that people make money these days. From maid and cleaning services to iPhone apps, Turbo140 is both the place to give and find work. In no niche is this more true than the student worker.

Within a campus, there are so many job opportunities. From editing a paper to rides to the airport, Turbo140 is a great place for students to find their inner-entrepreneur -- especially regarding the tasks of finding tutors and finding tutoring gigs. Whether you're struggling with geometry or looking to tutor elementary math students, check on or follow @Turbo140_Jobs for tutoring opportunities across the country.

Find work. Give work. Community stimulus on